by Jay Elliott | Jul 14, 2020 | Boardroom Breakfast, Business Development, Leadership, Webinar Recordings
“The only true knowledge is knowing you know nothing”. Socrates This rings true for the “self aware”. Self awareness allows you to analyse your behaviour and its impact on others. Taking a good hard look in the mirror, being with the good, the bad and the...
by Jay Elliott | Jun 16, 2020 | Behaviour, Boardroom Breakfast, Business Development, Leadership, Personal Development, Webinar Recordings
Webinar Recording When you are responsible as a leader what is the message you give your team, and how does that empower them. At Integrity and Values we empower leaders to build responsible teams who then produce extraordinary results. In this webinar we will discuss...
by Jay Elliott | May 5, 2020 | Boardroom Breakfast, Business Development, Leadership, Personal Development, Webinar Recordings
Your Essential Tool For Any Climate The values conversation is everywhere and has been for a while. What does it mean to be a values based leader? In this webinar we will unpack how to identify values, how to use them to make your life easier and the power they...
by Jennifer Elliott, CEO and Founder, Integrity and Values | Nov 30, 2018 | Behaviour, Boardroom Breakfast, Business Development
Several years ago we were approaching the end of year. We’d made budget and were shooting for our stretch goal. One more sale was going to do it. I bagged the sale. I was thrilled with myself! I told the team that we’d done it – that we’d made the goal. And we planned...
by Jay Elliott | Dec 5, 2017 | Behaviour, Business Development, Leadership, Personal Development
When was the last time you made a really good decision in business and in life? Think about it. What was the decision? Where were you when you made that decision? And, what were you doing? Chances are, you made that decision at a time when you were not distracted and...
by Jennifer Elliott, CEO and Founder, Integrity and Values | May 9, 2017 | Behaviour, Business Development, Increasing Sales
Do you ever use the little “urgent” flag in your email? Do other people send you emails marked urgent? Do you go to urgent meetings? They’re a rude interruption, aren’t they. And when you read those emails and go to those meetings, are they actually urgent? Let...