Solve the tough issues with compassion.
To really understand another person and consider things from their point of view, you need to climb inside their skin and walk around for a bit.
The role of the leader is not about “being in charge”, rather taking care of the people “in your charge” – this is Empathy in action. The agreement is not a requirement of Empathy – it simply means you acknowledge their pain and upset. The moment you take on their pain and upset, you move from Empathy to Sympathy and you can no longer be of service to them. Empathy fuels connection, so while you are listening don’t start “fixing”.
When you start fixing them, you will cause isolation and disconnection and keep them stuck.
If we can maintain our Empathy, and not slip into Sympathy, we grow our people – this is the role of the Leader.
- How to take an Empathetic perspective
- How to keep your judgement at bay
- Clearing the fog between Empathy and Sympathy
- Staying connected in the face of upset