Capable Individual
Based on your answers to the survey you are competent at doing the work yourself, but may not have the skills to lead a team and hold them accountable.
There is some room for improvement in getting your team more aligned which will result in more employee engagement, high profitability, lower costs.
Employee Engagement
As hard as it can be to accept some times, employee accountability and performance is always a reflection of the leadership team.
In a study in Harvard Business Review, 46% of high-level managers were rated poorly on the measure, “Holds people accountable – firm when they don’t deliver.”
Holding employees accountable can come in many forms and getting the most out of employees is usually not done by how you would first think.
Reducing Costs
Retention has a twofold impact on profitability. Firstly, replacing an employee can cost one and a half times their salary. Secondly, once an employee has been replaced, it takes the new employee a period of time to adjust to the role and start being productive.
We have a proven model for increasing employee engagement, while increasing profitability and simultaneously lowering costs.
Improving Profitability
Taleo Research found that organisations enjoy 26% higher revenue per employee when employees are highly engaged. Furthermore, it was found that organisations with highly engaged employees earned 13% greater total returns to shareholders.
The study also showed that businesses in the top 25% increased their profitability by 16%.
The Next Step
This free survey is the first step in getting you and your team performing at the top of your industry. At Integrity and Values we deliver world class leadership training and coaching, both online and face to face.
Before we do that we require all business leaders to take our one-of-a-kind Psychometric Leadership Profile, which gives you the clarity about exactly why you are getting the results that you are getting today, and what needs to happen to change them.
Integrity and Values Leadership Profile is one of the first online profile tools developed in the world. Today it has been used by over 15,000 business leaders around the globe to help them perform at their peak.
It’s not just a profile
Unlike many online profile tools on the market we also include an in-depth debrief about the profile and what it all means, plus how you can get the most value from the insights it uncovers.
In the debrief we will cover how others perceive you. Why others respond to you the way they do. Where you excel and where you have room for improvement to put you in the top 1% of leaders. You will also have time to ask any questions about what you can do to get a better and easier result, for you personally as well as the company.
For further information on the Leadership Profile please call 1300 364 588.